
Szanowni Państwo,
W związku z pojawiającymi się w różnych miejscach Łodzi osobami, które prowadzą zbiórkę pieniędzy na Polski Związek Głuchych, informujemy, że Polski Związek Głuchych Oddział Łódzki NIE PROWADZI żadnych zbiórek publicznych na terenie miasta Łodzi ani w innych miejscowościach w Polsce.

Bardzo dziękujemy za Państwa uważność.

The most important projects 2014-1015


4 Steps – since 2009 there were 3 editions of this project. The main goal of the project was to work out and implement the best way of professional activation of the Deaf in Poland. The 4 steps are: counselling, training, internship, employment. Ale the editions helped to find employment for couple of hundreds of deaf people.

Investments for everyone? This project included checking 100 investments funded by the EU in terms of their accessibility for people with disabilities.

Into the bilingual education for deaf children. This project lasted for nearly 2 years and ended in April 2016. Its goal was to prepare a ‘road map’ of implementing a bilingual education for deaf children in Poland. We held dozens of consults with parents, teachers, deaf people, specialists, officials and prepared a report and recommendations for 4 ministries on what should be done to introduce the bilingual education for deaf children in Poland. This project was funded by S. Batory Foundation from the EEA funds.

Deaf Code – Scratch programing courses for deaf children from all over the country. The whole course is also available in sign language on line http://pzg.lodz.pl/deafcode/ The project ended with a Programming Tournament in Łódź and was co-financed by Ministry of Administration and Digitalization.

Careful! Culture! – project that was realized in Łódź with the cooperation of 10 cultural institutions: museums, foundations, galleries etc. Its goal was to complete their cultural offer with the sign language translation (which is not at all a norm in Poland but rather a rare exception). This project was co-financed by a Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.