
Szanowni Państwo,
W związku z pojawiającymi się w różnych miejscach Łodzi osobami, które prowadzą zbiórkę pieniędzy na Polski Związek Głuchych, informujemy, że Polski Związek Głuchych Oddział Łódzki NIE PROWADZI żadnych zbiórek publicznych na terenie miasta Łodzi ani w innych miejscowościach w Polsce.

Bardzo dziękujemy za Państwa uważność.

Our Headquarters


Our Headquarters is situated in the very centre of the city in a building that was purchased by the Polish Association of the Deaf in 1998. The building area is 600 m². On the ground floor there are two big rooms and kitchen facilities that are used by Therapy Workshops. All the offices and working space for specialists like translators, interpreters, lawyer, psychologist, work advisor, job coach are situated on the first floor.
We also have 8 field centres in Łódź region. They gather deaf and hard of hearing from smaller cities and villages. We also try to help them by assisting while looking for occupation or by providing translation from or to sign language. All the field centres are situated in spaces lent by schools or local governments since we do not have funds for our own offices yet there are deaf people outside the city of Łodź that need our help but have difficulties with traveling to our headquarters and need support on the spot.