
Szanowni Państwo,
W związku z pojawiającymi się w różnych miejscach Łodzi osobami, które prowadzą zbiórkę pieniędzy na Polski Związek Głuchych, informujemy, że Polski Związek Głuchych Oddział Łódzki NIE PROWADZI żadnych zbiórek publicznych na terenie miasta Łodzi ani w innych miejscowościach w Polsce.

Bardzo dziękujemy za Państwa uważność.

Polish Association of the Deaf – Łódź Division

About Us

Our motto: A deaf person can do anything except from hearing
We are an NGO – an association. Registered in the National Registry Court – 0000051170. We operate continuously since 1946.
Our main goal, that hasn’t change for decades, is to unite the Deaf and hard of hearing and to support them in any way they need. We try to keep up with the changing reality and to adapt the available forms of assistance to it.
We have some 850 members that pay a membership fee, which is 60 PLN per year. Except from the membership fee our members do not bear any additional costs of being a part of PZG, unless it is a paid trip or any other paid event. According to our statute, as a NGO we also help to the Deaf and hard of hearing that are not our members.
In the ‘Activity’ section you can read of what we do.
Where do we get the money from? We are an association which means that we do not get any fixed money from the government or other public institutions. We take part in competitions announced by public and non-public institutions and that is how we get the money for our actions.
We try to concentrate mostly on the social and professional activation of the Deaf, so that they could function on their own and do not depend on hearing people.
We are one of the 16 regional PZG branches. We all have the same statute and one Main Board in Warsaw.